Berlin Like A Local: An Unconventional Day In Mitte

© Pablo Benzo
© Pablo Benzo | Courtesy of Magic Beans Gallery
Brienne Pierce

Mitte is the the literal epicenter of Berlin‘s cultural anatomy. Tourists flock to the heart of this city mistaking attractions for authentic experiences. The laundry list of conventional sights is weighted with pontification. So much gets missed in a city when ‘should’ becomes the operative word, when the onerous pressure of conventionality takes precedence. Berlin is a city of endless pockets, an orgiastic web of liveliness. An area like Mitte, because of its abundance of significant stops, becomes overgrown with chains and tourist traps. Skip the traditional guidebook agenda, and take the less beaten path. Mitte is a massive ‘hood, so here are some suggestions around Oranienburger Tor.

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